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Canada Shipping

DailyLook.com offers Canada Ground Shipping on all orders for $14.95. The chart below shows all the shipping services we offer with their estimated rates and estimated delivery times. The rates from the chart are estimates for Canada orders; your actual shipping rate will depend on the exact weight and destination of your order. Remember that business days do not include weekends and holidays. There may be additional customs/import fees depending on your province, which you are responsible for.

Delivery Service Price Delivery Time
Standard Ground $14.95 7-10 Business Days
Express $29.95 (estimate) 2-4 Business Days

Import Tax, Duties, and Tariffs

Customers are responsible for any import taxes, duties, and tariffs that are charged to their order upon delivery.

Return Policy

If you are not satisfied with your order, you can return the order at your own cost within 10 days of receipt. See return policy details here.



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